
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Merry Christmas To All My Friends!

It is Saturday morning and I just finished a small quilt for a new friend!  When I first met her, I thought that she was a Snowflake!  Sew, I made her a secret present!

She is sew funny and has a very kind soul.

I got word this week from my son.  He is coming over for Christmas and I get to see my granddaughter!  I got her  Cabbage Patch Doll and some books.  She is talking now!

I have been working at the mall for the Christmas season.  Two more weeks and I will be finished.  But, I will have earned enough to pay my greens fees for 2019.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year🎄🎄🎄🎉🎉🎉

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Quiet Sunday, Seahawks on Monday night!

It has been quiet around here today except for the zoom zoom of my sewing machine!!

I started a new quilt yesterday from Miss Rosie’s new book “Farmhouse Favorites”.  It has taken me a day and a half to get step one finished (make 30 nine patch blocks)!

Now, I have to make them into 30 Monkey Wrench Blocks!

I did get a little side tracked this morning by making another Lori Holt mini quilt.  I love her “Farm Girl Vintage” book!

Last week I made a Halloween barn mini quilt!

Back to my cutting mat!  Catch you later🤪🤪

Monday, August 20, 2018

Smokey The Bear!

We have had several days of smoke here in Eastern Washington.  There is a front from the north bringing down smoke from the fires in Canada.

As usual, I have been sewing up a 'storm' until yesterday.  My step daughter stopped by about noon and I decided to take a break for the rest of the day.  Yeah, good for me!!

Here are some of the quilts that I have been working on.
Quilt Pattern "Tumbling Blocks" Christmas

Tumbling Blocks Baby Quilt

Table Runner "Seeing Stars"

Fall Quilt 2018 (Quilt Magazine 2007)

Mini Quilt 5" x 14"

Now, If I could just figure out what to fix for dinner, my day would be complete!!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sunday, Sunday...

It’s Sunday afternoon and I have been sewing all morning, and I am TIRED!!  But I have accomplished a lot:  

  • Straighten up my sewing room, only because I was looking for some fabric!
  • Made a Halloween Table Topper, which might be a little busy?!
  • Made a scrappy baby quilt 
  • Made a Christmas Table Topper using Three Sister’s “Under the Mistletoe”!
I may go sit for awhile and watch some golf OR go downstairs and clean the bathroom!!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Hot, Hot, Hot

Morning,  I played golf on Thursday, and by the time we finished, it was 100!  The worst part of the day was we were playing for least putts and I came in third—no dough!

I started some fall projects this week.  They are downstairs waiting to be quilted.  The first is a Halloween Table Topper.  The second is a wallhanging called “Night Flight” by Jo Morton.

My weekend project is to quilt a king size quilt for a friend’s brother and sister in law’s anniversary.  Both couples were married on July 21 (different years!)

I finished this quilt as a lap quilt and had it downstairs waiting to be quilted.  The sister in law liked it, sew, it is now a king!

Before I go, my son sent this picture of a distracted driver!!

PS. Guess what day it is🏌🏻‍♀️⛳️🏌🏻‍♀️⛳️

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!

Hi, hope that your weekend is going well!  Yesterday I set up a vendor tent at a local farmer’s market to try to sell some of my quilts.  I did sell two summer table runners!

I also took a scrappy pink quilt for another vendor who is fighting breast cancer.  I was up a 3 am to watch the British Open!  I am sure that I will need a nap some time today.

I played 18 holes of golf this last Thursday.  My knee held up ok but could hardly walk on Friday—stiff and sore all over🤪🤪. I am thinking about taking some yoga to regain some flexibility!

Here is the latest pic from my granddaughter!  She had been eating a blue slushy!

Am working on adding a border to another quilt.  Sew, will see you soon!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday Afternoon!

I went grocery shopping early this morning; then stopped at a drive through coffee stand for an Iced Mocha.  The little Barista asked what I was going to do today!  Enjoy the sun?  I said NO, I was going to sew!  I did go outside to take my pictures, it’s 90 degrees.

Sew, I did and am now watching golf.

I worked on some small projects:

  • Made a couple of microwave potholders for a friend

  • Finished a scrappy table topper using my Moda Martinique scraps

  • Made two table runners.  The first is a popsicle runner (Fig Tree pattern)

  • The second runner is made from a Buttermilk Basin pattern using some woven scraps from Moda “Etchings”

Before I go make some cookies, I have to tell you a story!

I met an old quilting friend on Friday for coffee. About 5 yrs ago, she and her husband moved to the coast to be near their grandchildren.  Recently she finished a quilt and decided to have a local quilter quilt it.  The local quilter asked her how she wanted it quilted?!  What, she thought, I usually leave it up to Sandy to decide.  They talked about it and made a decision.  The day came for my friend to pick up her quilt.  She was excited to see how it turned out!  She said that she was very very disappointed and the local quilter charged her twice as much as I charge!!  She said that she learned a valuable lesson!!

Nice for me!!

Off to make some cookies!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Granddaughter’s Visit

My son and his family came for a visit last weekend.  My granddaughter is 20 months and is in constant motion getting into EVERYTHING!  I had put some things away but not nearly enough!  Both my son and I were blondes early in life!

I managed to finish a quilt top that I have wanted to make for awhile.  The blocks are gingham, with a light grey background.  It is called “Gingham Stars”!  I think this is a keeper with a nice Minkee backing!

No big plans for the week.  I don’t have any customer quilts to work on.  Sew will work on my sister’s quilts and some of my back log!

Have a good week!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Good Tuesday Morning

I am spending a little time down in the dungeon trying to catch up on some quilting projects!  Sew far, I have finished two more of my sister’s quilts and am working on a flower table runner!     The runner pattern is from Sheri Falls “Table Runner Bliss”.  The hsts are leftovers from another quilt.  The fabric is “Harmony”.

Will try to get a couple more runners before I poop out and head upstairs!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Project Update

Here is a picture of my little granddaughter who just had her bangs cut!

I also wanted to show off some of my mini quilts!


The pattern is from Thimble Blossoms called “Piece of Cake”.  And the fabric is Corey Yoder’s “Pepper and Flax”.

This one is from MSQC called “Colorado Star” using Chic Neutral!

I have been trying to get some quilting done but it is slow going with my sore knee!

Until next time...

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Weekly Countdown

Good morning!  I haven’t been golfing for six+weeks.  I stepped up a stair and cracked the top of my shinbone.  I am on the mend and can start putting and chipping in three MORE weeks!

Sew, that means that I have been spending most of my time sewing and quilting.  I have been obsessing with Lori Holt’s “Farm Girl Vintage”.

I have definitely been having fun!  Will catch you up tomorrow on some of my other projects!  

I have installed the blogger app on my phone see posting just got a lot easier!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Time to Catch UP!

I haven't written in a while because I find it difficult to write the same thing over and over!  Like:  today I sewed; today, I quilted etc.

However, I do like reading other quilters blogs even when they write the same thing over and over.  I am figuring out the real purpose is to show off what you have created and/or figured out about quilts and quilting!

I had surgery December 4th to repair my meniscus, torn while playing golf.  Actually, with all the damage that the surgeon found, I had torn it some time in the past as well.  He also scrapped some rough edges off my knee joint.  Any how, I played nine holes yesterday, got one par and one birdie!  And, I did it without any discomfort.

My grand daughter is growing like crazy!  She started walking the week after Thanksgiving.  Last week, I sent her some pink converse tennis shoes with some added "bling"!

Christmas Pic 2017
I am also posting a couple of finishes.
Baby Quilt

"Winter Blues"  using Martinique by Moda
I have been working on a quilt from Modal Bake Shop called "Endless Possibilities".  I made one in blues for my sister years ago.  Mine is made with several collections from "French General".

Finally, a big thank you to my cousin Vonda.  She made me  "Sewing Room" stitchery!

Until later...